Important - System information and downtime

Important - System information and downtime

by Rebecca Dolan -
Number of replies: 0

Dear All,

Happy New Year! We hope that you have been enjoying the upgraded learning environment so far.

Please remember if you cannot access our main website a direct link to the Learning Management System is available - 

Unfortunately, we had some issues with our email system yesterday. As a result of this we may have missed some emails from the learning management system regarding your progress on your course. If you have passed the final assessment associated with your course within the last 48 hours and you have not heard from us, please get in touch!

Lastly we will have no access to our database and email systems on Thursday 31st of January. This is due to overhead wire maintenance causing a total power outage where our server is held. This will not disrupt the learning management system or access to your course.

We will be available on the phone, as always, should you need need us - 01279 726800

Best regards,

Rebecca and Corinne