This category contains Association of Reflexologists CPD courses, the AoR Bridging Course, and the AoR approved Essential Reflexology Question Bank and Online Resource.

Approved by the AOR, this CPD course is an ideal package for therapists who wish to refresh their Anatomy & Physiology and attain 20 CPD points.

Approved by the Association of Reflexologists (AOR), this is a great course to acquire knowledge about 72 common medical conditions and gain 20 CPD points.

This Additional Pathology course is approved by the AoR. It contains details of 80 conditions.

Study from home and achieve a AOR-approved Level 3 Diploma plus 20 CPD points.

This module is had been modified to match to the AoR foot charts. It contains Reflexology questions, case studies, several useful downloadable resources and 27 video clips. Ideal for revision or reference!