Mobile Device Users Please Note - Adaptable Theme Available!

Mobile Device Users Please Note - Adaptable Theme Available!

by Rebecca Dolan -
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Dear Student

When your learning management system was upgraded recently, we developed an Adaptable theme. This theme “adapts” the display according to the platform on which you are running your course, i.e. PC, tablet, phone. If you often use a mobile device to deliver your training, you may find the Adaptable theme better to use, but the choice is yours!

To change to the Adaptable theme –

1.       Go to “Profile”

2.       Select “Edit Profile”

3.       Using the drop-down list of options, change the “Preferred theme” from “Default” to “Adaptable”

4.       Click “Update profile”

Your display will then change to reflect the Adaptable theme. All the key elements that you are used to will remain, but may appear in different locations. For example, Home, Dashboard, Events and My Courses will appear running across the top of the display. You also have an option to hide all blocks – so freeing up more screen area.

Your Profile screen is accessed from a list of options that appear when you click on your name at the top right of the screen. So, if you want to revert back to the default theme –

1.       Click on your name

2.       Select “Edit profile” from the list of options

3.       Change the “Preferred theme” from “Adaptive” to “Default”

4.       Click “Update profile”

Your display will then appear as it always has.

Please feel free to play around and see which theme suits you best. We hope you find this flexibility an enhancement to your learning management system, and if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Sharon Coleman
Essential Training Solutions Ltd