*** MUST READ *** Drag and Drop Questions with Internet Explorer

*** MUST READ *** Drag and Drop Questions with Internet Explorer

by Rebecca Dolan -
Number of replies: 0
Dear All
As I am sure you are aware the browser through which you access any web site has a significant impact on how the web site functions and appears. Your online course is far more complex than a standard web site because it contains so much functionality.
The minimum browser requirement for our online courses is Firefox 4, Internet Explorer 8, Safari 5 or Google Chrome 11. However, with the advent of Internet Explorer (IE) 10, some conflicts have arisen. These are not just affecting our site – it is a universal problem.
If you use IE 10 the drag and drop questions within your tutorial will not work. This is only an issue on IE 10. If you use IE 8 or 9 they are fine. There is as yet no known fix for this IE 10 conflict.
If you use IE 8, 9 or 10 you will need to have Compatibility View set to ON. If it is off, then some text within the tutorials may appear truncated and some screens may freeze. If Compatibility View is ON then neither of these issues will arise. Compatibility View can be toggled on/off using its icon (that looks like a torn piece of paper) or from the Tools menu. If you need guidance with this just let us know.
But here is some very good news…
The very good news is that this is not a major problem for you because Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari do not have any issues at all – it is just IE. Interestingly, IE now has only 12% of the market (it had the vast majority just a few years ago). Google Chrome now has over 50%, Firefox 30% and Safari 5%.
You can download any of these browsers for free and it will literally take you 2 minutes. You do not have to uninstall IE – you can have as many browsers as you wish. I have 5 installed on my main PC for testing purposes!
When you install a new browser you have the option to set it to be your default browser. If you don’t want this to happen, because you want to keep IE as your default, just say no when asked. You can then just open up Chrome, Firefox or Safari, go into your course as normal and you’re away!
For your convenience, this is where you can download the browsers from –
Google Chrome - https://www.google.com/intl/en_uk/chrome/browser/
Firefox - http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/update/
Safari - http://support.apple.com/downloads/#safari 
If you have any queries at all about this please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards
Sharon Coleman